Rudy B

Rudy B

Hello there! I'm Rudy Brigham, the 33-year-old guy behind WMYSB (We Make Your Space Better). I've been in the home improvement business for over 10 years, and I absolutely love turning houses into dream homes. I started this journey in my hometown of East Point, GA, where I first found my passion for fixing and beautifying homes.

How to Reset HVAC Blower Sleeper Fuse: Step by Step

How to Reset HVAC Blower Sleeper Fuse

Resetting the sleeper fuse in your HVAC blower is a straightforward process that can help restore function to your system. This guide will walk you through each step clearly and simply. Remember, if the reset doesn’t solve the issue, it’s…

Who is Responsible for HVAC in a Condo?

Who is Responsible for HVAC in a Condo

Knowing who takes care of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is important when you live in a condo. Generally, the condo association is responsible for the building’s main HVAC system. However, if you have an individual unit…

Efficiency Ratings: SEER, AFUE, and HSPF Explained


When looking at different types of HVAC systems, you’ll often see terms like SEER, AFUE, and HSPF. But what do these ratings mean? They are all about efficiency. SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is used for air conditioners, AFUE (Annual…

What is a Sequencer in HVAC?

What is a Sequencer in HVAC

What is a Sequencer in HVAC? A sequencer is a control device that manages the order in which electric heating elements or stages in a heat pump turn on. Its purpose is to activate the heating components in the right…

Tipping Etiquette For HVAC Techs

How Much Do You Tip HVAC Installers

When you install a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, you might wonder, “Should I tip the installers?” This article will guide you through the norms and considerations regarding tipping HVAC technicians. Do You Tip HVAC Installers? Tipping…